"Medahochi spent his entire life on a never-ending quest for knowledge. He is a cultural activist, but he claims no labels. He was a priest of the African Traditional Religion, a visual artist, a writer, a lecturer, a humorist, an avid reader, a teacher, a healer, and he spoke several languages. His extended family and friends knew him respectfully as Baba..." ~ Dee Robinson
"Baba Medahochi is and has always been an Afrikan nationalist. Years before he would eventually immerse himself into Afrikan religious systems, Baba had already internalized Pan Afrikanism as a way of life. It is impossible to measure the level of Baba Medahochi’s influence in Afrikan spirituality. The lives he touched have touched the lives of countless more. For this we are eternally grateful to him. Throughout his life’s work, his understanding has always been that religion is the deification of someone’s nationalism and religion is only relevant if it deifies your nationalism." ~ Ason Gbehanzin Ajinaku
"In his role as pioneer of the revival of Afrikan tradition, spirituality, and identity, Medahochi Kofi Zannu was a genius who has been responsible for the development of a perspective that has the potential of restoring dignity and integrity to Afrikans in America and worldwide and restoring our civilization and World. Medahochi was a visionary and gifted thinker." ~ Vodunsi Akinyele Umoja
"... his career had Grown and Expanded So Much, and he was Sought All Over The Country for His Knowledge of African History and Culture." ~ Iya Afin, Ayobunmi Sosi Sangode
"My Fafa saw the importance of looking at the continuity of African spiritual systems and that is possible for them to be practiced together." ~ Sweet Honey-Umtwana
"Baba's level of influence was infectious and those that were fortunate to cross his path, study under his tutelage and temporarily share his life's road truly knew this. His influence will continue to pervade and ripple throughout many generations to come. Baba sought to have the sons and daughters of cotton, understand their place in the faith systems that they would give rise to and work in concert with one another in order to rebuild and put to a new/high standard the faiths of our ancestors." ~ Kobena Esubiyi AlaKetu
"This site is Dedicated to the Life, Wisdom, Art, Songs & Teachings of Baba Medahochi" ~ Ogunlade